Google Wallet 在美国新增 42 家银行
Google Wallet 成为用户首选的综合支付平台
最近更新时间 2024-02-29 11:58:42

Google Wallet是一个综合支付平台,不仅可以存储银行卡、会员卡和通行证等信息,而且可以在安卓设备和Wear OS智能手表上进行使用。然而,谷歌并未停留在此,他们一直在不断改进Wallet应用与各大银行的兼容性,以便用户更方便地进行支付,这也是它成为很多客户首选钱包应用的原因之一。去年12月,有44家银行加入了Google Wallet的行列,另外42家银行也已经签约,将在2024年1月开始支持Google Wallet。
自从Google Wallet取代了Google Pay后,应用程序开发商已与美国超过3000家银行建立了合作关系,覆盖了5000多家银行。这种合作关系使用户可以方便地通过Google Wallet应用使用与合作银行相关联的银行卡。尽管美国的大多数主要银行已经支持谷歌钱包,但仍有一些新增的银行加入了合作,其中包括:
- Abilene Teachers Federal Credit Union
- Austin County State Bank (TX)
- Bank of Monticello (MO)
- Bison State Bank (MO)
- Boost Your Score
- Carolina Trust Federal Credit Union
- Century Next Bank (LA)
- Citizens First Bank (WI)
- Community National Bank in Monmouth (IL)
- Cottonwood Community Federal Credit Union (ID)
- County-City Credit Union (WI)
- Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union (IN)
- First National Bank of Manchester (FNBM) (KY)
- First State Bank of LeCenter (MN)
- Forest Area Federal Credit Union (MI)
- Granite Preferred
- Highway Crossroads Credit Union (MO)
- Hope Federal Credit Union (WV)
- KS Bank, Inc (NC)
- Lake Region Bank (MN)
- Liberty Bank NA (CA)
- LincOne Federal Credit Union
- Lion's Share Federal Credit Union (NC)
- Monroe County Teachers Federal Credit Union (FL)
- Netevia
- Pheple Federal Credit Union
- Planters Bank, Inc
- Racine Municipal Employees Credit Union (WI)
- Rave Financial Credit Union
- River Region Credit Union (MO)
- SPC Credit Union
- Star of Texas Credit Union (TX)
- Telhio Credit Union (OH)
- Ten Credit Union
- Tongass Federal Credit Union
- Thumb Bank & Trust (MI)
- Today card
- TrailNorth Federal Credit Union
- Valley Bank of Commerce (NM)
- Washington State Bank (LA)
- West Alabama Bank & Trust (AL)